Our film production resources encompass essential documentation for organizing, managing, and executing a short film project. This includes templates for Actor Release Forms, Camera Reports, Location Survey Forms, Location Contracts, a Script Breakdown and Set Breakdown and an example Short Film Budget outline, which should ensure comprehensive project management from start to finish.
Need help getting a permit or discovering an incentive to film in Happy Valley? Below is a list of links to help you get your movie started! Filmmakers can obtain permits for shooting in specific boroughs including State College, Bellefonte, and Philipsburg, ensuring legal compliance and support for their projects.
State and Local Incentives: Pennsylvania offers film tax credits and support from organizations like Film in PA and the Awesome Foundation to attract and assist film productions bridge gaps in financial needs. A film production is eligible for the tax credit program if Pennsylvania production expenses comprise at least 60% of the film’s total production expenses. Applications will be accepted no sooner than 90 days prior to the start date of principal photography in Pennsylvania. Only applications with verifiable documentation that 70% of the film’s financing has been secured and that the remaining 30% will be secured prior to the planned start date of principal photography in Pennsylvania will be considered.
Can't find what you're looking for? Contact Pablo Lopez at pablol@happyvalley.com to discuss your project in further detail. There's much more to explore in Happy Valley, PA. Speaking with us directly will allow for more adventures in filmmaking.
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